K1 Lectern - Modern Contemporary Elegant Metal
K2 Lectern - Wood & Metal Modern Design with Shelf
K3 Lectern - Elegant Dark Metal & Optional Wheels
K6 Lectern - Modern Wood & Aluminum Design
K8 - Aluminum Metal Tabletop Lectern w/ Add-on Options
K9 - Modern Customizable Tabletop Lectern
Large "Wing" Style Acrylic Lectern with Shelf - Amplivox SN3055
Large Church Pulpit in Acrylic and Wood
Large Electric Lift Lectern - AVFI LEXYZ34
Large Surface Classroom Podium - AVFI PD4501
Large Surface Flat Top Multimedia Lectern PD3008
Locking Door Accessory for Chancellor Lectern
Mid-size Podium with Rack Mount - AVFI PD3006
Mobile Instructor's Podium - AVFI IPVP7
Mobile Lectern with Casters - Multiple Shelves, Custom Colors Datum ML100
Modern Lectern - AVFI LEXYZ20
Modern Metal Lectern - AVFI LEXYZ27
Modern Mobile Lectern with Outlet and USB Power LEX72
Modern Podium with Folding Shelf - AVFI PD3009
Modern V Style Acrylic Lectern - Shelf and Wood Front Panels
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